Advantages of granular pharmaceuticals

What is the form of nuggets?

In essence, granules are in the form of small porous particles or short porous fibers (small particles linked together to form fibers). The pharmaceutical form is absorbed through an appropriate solution as recommended by the physician, pharmacist or manufacturer, usually water and mixed into a suspension or syrup. Granule ingredients often contain single or multiple pharmaceutical ingredients along with excipients to support the dispersion and absorption of those compounds in the human body.

Granules are often used in a dosage form consisting of molecular particles aggregated into larger molecules with strong enough bonds to withstand the impacts during release as required. From here, the molecules are gathered together to form larger molecular clusters called “nuggets”. The size of granules used in pharmaceuticals depends on the purpose of use. The current most common size level of granules when produced into intermediate products will range from 0.2 – 0.5 mm, but if to increase the maximum capacity of granules, there will be Size from 1 – 4 mm.

Advantages of granule form in production

Improve dispersion properties of pharmaceuticals: Traditional powders will have irregular shapes and sizes, and the particle surface will not be smooth enough to float in the bloodstream. Poor absorption in the blood vessels will often result in uneven distribution of the dose. The granules produced have larger particles and are more uniform in diameter.

Ensuring the durability of the pharmaceutical substance: The pharmaceutical preparation process will produce a number of ingredients with properties that are not in their original state and are easily denatured under normal environmental conditions. Powdered granules or medicinal substances that have been condensed into a solid form will be more durable against environmental impacts. From here on, using products that retain their original characteristics will ensure that the products are used by users at the highest efficiency level and ensure health.

Easy to use: Standard medicinal ingredients, after being prepared, may have an unpleasant taste and make it difficult to drink, especially for young children who often like sweet foods. Furthermore, it is also aimed at ensuring the success rate. portion of medicinal substances. Another reason why granular medicine is easy to use is that it reduces pre-processing steps as with traditional herbs or traditional medicine. From here, the dosage division will be strictly regulated and easily combined into prescriptions as prescribed by doctors and specialized pharmacists.

Improves compression properties of the mixture: In some cases, powder molecules are difficult to compress into tablets even when there is a binder in the mixture. Granules are an optimal alternative to the original formula but can be easily compressed and are more effective. Solute migration can occur after drying from the wet granulation process, this will increase the density of adhesives on the outer shell of the granules, this will increase the bonding ability between materials with poor adhesion

Prevents particle segregation in powder mixtures: Segregation occurs mainly due to differences in the size and/or density of the mixture’s components, smaller particles and/or larger particles. higher density in the core containing large molecules and/or lower density above them. The ideal granulation process is considered complete when it contains the elements of the mixture in the correct proportion for each granule, then the separation process of each independent component will not occur. Another important part That is to control the particle size distribution. If the particles have a wide size spectrum, the separation process will easily occur, specifically:

– In the production process, including the hopper part of the packaging machine, capsule and tablet making machine, if not carefully controlled, there will be a situation where the product has an uneven volume due to the operating mechanism of the machine. is filling by volume, not by weight of ingredients

– The hopper contains granules of uneven size (This also leads to differential mass) which will cause the volume of each part in the hopper to be different and lead to an uneven distribution of the drug in each part. pill.

Some other advantages

– The process of creating granules from toxic materials will reduce the risk related to the generation of toxic dust during the transportation of materials. Because in the process of creating granules, specific standards have been implemented to eliminate such risks that may occur, most notably the mixing of dry ingredients and drying of granules.

– If ingredients have hygroscopic properties, they will stick and cake together if stored in powder form. Granules have the ability to absorb moisture while still maintaining ease of circulation

– Granules are highly concentrated, so they will take up less volume per unit of mass, making them easier to preserve and transport.