Nhóm tiêu hoá

Éloseptol 480

Số đăng ký: VD – 8275 – 09
Thành phần: Sulfamethoxazol : 400mg.
Trimethoprim : 80mg.
Dạng bào chế:  Viên nén
Đóng gói:  Hộp 2 vỉ x 10  viên
Nhóm thuốc: Kháng sinh
Điều trị: Nhiễm trùng tiết niệu, hô hấp, sinh dục, tiêu hóa
Nhà sản xuất: Cty Eloge France Việt Nam
Nhà PP: Cty TNHH Hiệp Phong


Sulfamethoxazole: 400mg.
Trimethoprim: 80mg.
Wheat starch, Lactose, Magnesium stearate, etc. per tablet.

Eloseptol is indicated for the treatment of:
– Urinary tract infections (upper and lower): Acute infection, long-term prevention of recurrence of chronic infection after urine cleans bacteria, infectious prostatitis.
– Respiratory infections: otitis media; Sinusitis; Acute and chronic bronchitis; pneumonia; Treatment and prevention of alveolar wall inflammation caused by Pneumocystis carinii.
– Genital tract: gonorrhea, salpingitis, chancroid, Nicolas Favre disease.

– Gastrointestinal tract: disease caused by Shigella, typhoid or paratyphoid, people carrying chronic typhoid bacteria.
– Skin and wound infections: Abscesses, acne, pimples, pyoderma, infected wounds.
– Infections due to other susceptible bacteria: Acute Brucellosis, actinomyces tumor, Nocardia disease except in cases actually caused by fungi, acute and chronic osteomyelitis, sepsis.
– Fungal infections: South American Blastomyces fungus.
– Eloseptol can be used in dental and periodontal infections, digestive infections caused by enteropathogenic E.Coli, meningitis caused by sensitive strains in vitro, and diseases caused by Toxoplasmos.

– Hypersensitivity to sulfamide or trimethoprim.
– Patients with severe renal impairment and plasma drug concentrations cannot be monitored.
– The patient is determined to have megaloblastic anemia due to folic acid deficiency.
– Children under 2 months old.

– The most common unwanted effects occurring in the digestive tract include symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and glossitis. Pseudomembranous colitis and moniliasis may occur.

– Hypersensitivity to sulfamide or trimethoprim.
– Patients with severe renal impairment and plasma drug concentrations cannot be monitored.
– The patient is determined to have megaloblastic anemia due to folic acid deficiency.
– Children under 2 months old.

– The most common unwanted effects occurring in the digestive tract include symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and glossitis. Pseudomembranous colitis and moniliasis may occur.

– Hypersensitivity to sulfamide or trimethoprim.
– Patients with severe renal impairment and plasma drug concentrations cannot be monitored.
– The patient is determined to have megaloblastic anemia due to folic acid deficiency.
– Children under 2 months old.

– The most common unwanted effects occurring in the digestive tract include symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and glossitis. Pseudomembranous colitis and moniliasis may occur.

– Concomitant use with diuretics, especially thiazides, increases the risk of thrombocytopenia in the elderly
– Sulfonamides can inhibit protein binding and renal excretion of methotrexate and thus reduce elimination and increase the effect of methotrexate.
– Eloseptol used concurrently with pyrimethamine 25 mg/week increases the risk of megaloblastic anemia
– Éloseptol inhibits phenytoin metabolism in the liver, potentially increasing the effects of phenytoin excessively.
– Éloseptol may increase prothrombin time in patients taking warfarin.

– Kidney function decline.
– Vulnerable to folic acid deficiency like the elderly.
– When using high doses and long-term use of éloseptol.
– People with dehydration and malnutrition.
– Eloseptol can cause hemolytic anemia in people with G6DP deficiency.

– Pregnancy: Sulfamides can cause jaundice in newborns by pushing bilirubin out of albumin. Because éloseptol can interfere with folic acid metabolism, the drug should only be used during pregnancy if clearly needed. If medication must be used, folic acid must be used.

– Breastfeeding period: Women who are breastfeeding should not use medication. Newborns are very sensitive to the toxic effects of drugs.

The drug can cause dizziness and hallucinations, so do not use the drug while driving or operating machinery.


Symptoms: Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, headache, unconsciousness. Blood dyscrasias and yellow skin are too simple manifestations. mode frame.
Treatment: Induce vomiting, gastric lavage. Acidify urine to increase excretion of Trimethoprim. If there are signs of inhibition, the patient needs to take folic acid 5 – 15mg/day until blood recovery.

éloseptol is a mixture of sulfamethoxazole (5 parts) and Trimethoprine (1 part). Sulfamethoxazole is a sulfamide that competitively inhibits bacterial folic acid synthesis. Trimethoprim is a pyrimidine derivative that specifically inhibits the bacterial enzyme dihydrofolate reductase. Combining Sulfamethoxazole with Trimethoprim thus inhibits two consecutive stages of folic acid metabolism, thereby effectively inhibiting the synthesis of purines, thymine and finally bacterial DNA. This sequential inhibition has a bactericidal effect. This synergistic mechanism also counteracts the development of drug-resistant bacteria and makes the drug effective even when the bacteria are resistant to individual components of the drug.

After oral administration, both Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim are rapidly absorbed and have high bioavailability. After 2 hours of taking a dose of 2 tablets, the average serum concentration of Trimethoprim is 2.5 mg/liter and that of sulfamethoxazole is 40 – 50 mg/liter. The plasma half-life of sulfamethoxazole is 10 hours and that of trimethoprim is 8 – 10 hours. However, in patients with renal failure, the half-life of both is increased and dose adjustment is required for patients with renal failure.
Both Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim distribute into saliva, vaginal fluid, and middle ear fluid; Trimethoprim can also enter sputum; Both cross the placental barrier and are excreted in breast milk.

Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim are excreted mainly through the kidneys. Urine concentrations are much higher than plasma concentrations.

SHELF LIFE: 36 months from date of manufacture.
Do not exceed the time limit stated on the packaging.
STORAGE: Dry, cool place, temperature below 300C, avoid light.

Registration number: VD – 8275 – 09
Ingredients: Sulfamethoxazole: 400mg.
Trimethoprim: 80mg.
Dosage form: Tablets
Packaging: Box of 2 blisters x 10 tablets
Drug group: Antibiotics
Treatment: Urinary, respiratory, genital, digestive infections
Manufacturer: Eloge France Vietnam Company
Sup.plier: Hiep Phong Company Limited.